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Below you will find recent news articles and publications related to Meniscal Transplantation. Please click the links below to open the articles in a new tab.

Latest news 2023: METEOR 2 Clinical Study on Meniscal Transplantation versus Personalised Physiotherapy


To fully evaluate the benefit and risks of meniscal transplant this international multicentre study trial is being performed, assessing transplantation against physiotherapy specifically targeted to patient needs, recognising that not everyone requires surgery and surgery carries small but inevitable risks.

Read here for more detail:

This is a very important study and will be of huge benefit for future patients. The website link contains more information for potential patients – detail of the personalised physiotherapy and the surgery along with the sites currently enrolling patients in the study. For surgeons interested in being involved or even for patients wanting more information please email:

The study is open in UK, Canada, Australia and Belgium.