A number of factors are of great importance regarding the allograft used in the transplant process.
This section explores information surrounding donors, the matching process and sizing of grafts.
Tissue banks available to the UK
JRF Ortho via Joint Operations LLP
When searching for a graft it is advised to use multiple tissue banks to increase chances of a successful timely match. Typically large lateral menisci are in short supply globally hence a longer wait for a match is common.
Images required for meniscus matching
Knee x-rays – AP and lateral views with sizing marker
OR MRI on compact disc for uploading.
Measuring for graft matching
Each tissue bank uses their own preferred method for sizing e.g. NHSBT will use Total Tibial Width (TTW) measurement, JRF Ortho use globally accepted method of the Modified Pollard Technique.
Please use photos of measuring grafts here.
Donor Information
Extensive criteria are used to identify and qualify suitable donors. To ensure the safety of each allograft produced, all recovered tissue is quarantined until donor eligibility has been established.
Donor Screening
Donor eligibility is assessed through a comprehensive screening process based on requirements of the associated regulatory body. Criteria are used to exclude donors with evidence of disease, high-risk behaviours or recent surgical procedures that would affect tissue quality or patient safety.
Serological Evaluation
During tissue recovery, a blood sample is collected from the donor and tested for infectious diseases by a certified laboratory. The donor must test negative or non-reactive for the following:
- Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 & 2 (anti-HIV 1 & 2)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg)
- Hepatitis B Core IgG/IgM Antibody
- Antibody to Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis C Virus Nucleic Acid Testing
- Rapid Plasma Reagin or Serologic Test for Syphilis